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Back From PAX East!

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I’m back from PAX East and boy was it a lot of fun. It was a lot different from doing my usual anime cons and it was a nice change from my usual anime con. I had a great time running around the con, meeting new people and playing games. I pretty much got to do everything I wanted to do that weekend, including playing the Transistor demo.

And if you were wondering, I got past round 1 of the Dominion tournament but promptly lost round 2. :)

Going to PAX East!

Going to PAX East! published on No Comments on Going to PAX East!


Hey Everyone! I’ll be going to PAX East next week! If you’re going, hopefully I’ll see you at the Light Weight RPG booth in the Table Top area! I’ll be offering commissions and signing books, but mostly just going to have fun. There will be no new comic next week, but I’m going to aim to have at least a filler comic!

Or you can cheer me on in the Dominion Tournament I’m planning to enter on Friday. :)

Something Entirely Different!

Something Entirely Different! published on No Comments on Something Entirely Different!

It took a bit longer than I expected, but here’s that “something entirely different” I alluded to in the last blog post. I’ve been a bit busy finishing up an internship and getting sick 3 times in a row this winter. So I’m happy to say at least the next few months of comics have been written! I’m excited to draw this short story, since I’ve been mulling over it for the last couple of months. So I hope everyone will enjoy the upcoming comic pages!

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