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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! published on No Comments on Happy Thanksgiving!

Yup. It’s that time of year again for another turkey cake birthday comic. Hope everyone in the US has a great Thanksgiving and everyone else to have a good day. :) I’ll be having fun during the holiday/birthday week eating foods and exploring LA while my brother is visiting.

Also, I’ll be at Otakon Vegas from January 3-5th. More details whenever they give them to us!

Kandid is Back!

Kandid is Back! published on No Comments on Kandid is Back!

I’m all settled in LA and ready to start year 3 of Kandid! It took a lot longer to get adjusted to living here, but now that I’ve figured out how to not poison myself with my cooking, we’re good to go!

Also, Kandid is switching to Monday updates! Most of you guys were checking on Mondays anyway, so I figured to make the switch after the big pause. We’ll see how well this plan goes. :)

I’m Moving!!!

I’m Moving!!! published on 2 Comments on I’m Moving!!!

So as you can see from the above picture, I’m moving to Los Angeles in a week! It’s been something I’ve been wanting to do for years, so I’m kind of excited to actually make it happen! I’ve left my day job and I’ll be embarking on a one week cross country trip through the heartland of America! I’ll be taking approximately a month off for travel and to get settled down over there as I start my new life.

I’m aiming to get Kandid back up and running by its 3 year anniversary, but no guarantees. If anyone would like to make guest comics in the mean time, let me know at crystaltk(at)gmail(dot)com!

See you later, New Jersey! Hello California!

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